So disappointing

I bombed today. I bombed so hard.

I had a job interview today. It was late in the day and it was with the same company I work for. It actually was in the same department but more opportunity, a raise, a promotion. And it was hands down the worst interview I have EVER had. It was excruciating. I don’t even know who I was.

I am a people person. The manager I interviewed with was relaxed and talkative. I was stiff and weird. I totally feed off of other people’s energy and today I was someone I don’t even know.

I left the conference room and thought, “what just happened.” I get that it may be a sign that this was not meant to be but did it need to be so embarrassing?!

I was really frustrated when I left work. I felt like I let a good opportunity pass me by. I came home, went for a walk, and readjusted my thinking. There is nothing that I can. I’ll put it behind me and move on.